Everything starts with an idea.

Ours was to build a Software Company but fun!

It all began with a vision. In the bustling city of Bogotá, a decade ago, a young couple embarked on a journey. Driven by the dream of establishing Colombia's premier software agency — and perhaps even the world's — they took their first steps. Their tools? A passion for Ruby on Rails and a dedication to bootstrap with local companies.

As the days turned into years, the horizon expanded. Europe beckoned, and our clientele spread across continents. Each project, each partnership, carved the path towards our greater ambition.

It wasn’t just about building a company. It was about redefining the very essence of what a software agency could be — fun, innovative, and world-class.

In January 2023, a new chapter began. We established our footprint in the USA, officially consolidating our brand as "Brainz."

Our portfolio grew richer with the development of groundbreaking products — a dynamic CRM, an AI-powered e-commerce platform, and a cutting-edge property management software tool.

Brainz isn't just a name. It's our journey, our story, and our commitment to excellence.

Laura Chaves